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Is there any certification for Spark?

Is there any certification for Spark?

Apache Spark Certification.

Apache Spark is undoubtedly popular in the big data community. This popularity matches the demand for Apache Spark developers. And since Spark is open source software, you can easily find hundreds of resources online to expand your knowledge.

Even if you do not know Apache Spark or related technologies, companies prefer to hire candidates with Apache Spark certifications. The good news is that many Apache Spark certifications can help you find jobs related to Apache Spark. Before you get started, read on to find out why you need Apache Spark certifications.

Why study Apache Spark?

Apache Spark is the leading big data processing system in high demand today and in the future. It is the next evolution in computing environments because it enables batch and streaming processing. It is the framework of choice for those looking for fast data analysis. Today, companies are very interested in incorporating Hadoop and Spark into their systems, which expands the possibilities.

Various certifications for Apache Spark

Obtaining an Apache Spark certification will provide you with good knowledge and many job opportunities. Here are some of them.

Cloudera Spark and Hadoop Developer

A unique feature of this certification process is the inclusion of Hadoop technology. It's ideal for those who want to do both at the same time. In addition, the number of topics covered by this certification varies. The certification exams also include questions that test your programming skills. They range in number from 10 to 15.

HDP Certified Apache Spark Developer

This is a good certification for Apache Spark. The knowledge of the candidates will be validated which will be related to Data Frames and Spark Core. For those who think the exam is too easy, this is not a simple multiple-choice exam. The exam also tests your ability to perform advanced programming tasks in a Spark cluster.

MapR Certified Spark Developer

This certification is one of the best because it is designed for anyone interested in working with Spark. You don't need to be a programmer, engineer, or developer. It will help you assess your skills in working with Spark. The exam consists of 60-80 questions that focus on production-level programming tasks using Spark. In addition, the only requirement for this certification is programming experience in Java and Scala.

Apache Spark certification from Databricks

Compared to the HDP certification, the Databricks certification is relatively different. It also only tests your knowledge of Spark programming. This is because this test set only covers a portion of the programming. Finally, it tests your general knowledge.

O'Reilly certification for Apache Spark developers

One of the best features of this certification process is the partnership between Databricks and O'Reilly. In some respects, it is very similar to the Databricks certification. O'Reilly Media's editorial team also contributes to the project. This certification will make you an outstanding candidate for a job related to Apache Spark.

Benefits of Apache Spark

Apache Spark has many benefits, let's look at some of them in more detail.


When working with large data sets, processing speed is always important. Because of its speed, Apache Spark is very popular among data scientists. Spark is hundreds of times faster than Hadoop when processing large amounts of data. Apache Spark uses the computer's memory while Hadoop uses local memory to store data. Spark can process several petabytes of data simultaneously on a cluster of more than 8,000 nodes.

Learn Apache Spark for better access to big data

Apache Spark offers a wide range of options for exploring big data, making it easier for enterprises to solve a wide range of big data problems. not only is Spark currently the hottest technology among data engineers, but most data scientists choose to work with Spark. Apache Spark is an exciting platform for data scientists, with use cases that cover a wide range of exploratory and operational analyses.

Learn Apache Spark and keep up with its growing popularity in enterprises

Its prevalence is growing rapidly as enterprises adopt a variety of other big data technologies to complement Hadoop Spark. Spark is no longer just part of the Hadoop Big Data ecosystem but has become the big data processing technology of choice for enterprises across a wide range of industries.

Apache Spark is powerful

Apache Spark can handle a wide range of analytical tasks due to its ability to work with low-latency memory. It has well-designed libraries for graph analytics and machine learning algorithms.

Learn Apache Spark and make a lot of money

The demand for Apache Spark professionals is on the rise and the companies are ready to give handsome salaries and many other benefits.

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